Organized as the International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, FRAGBLAST serves as an important international scientific platform where the latest developments in blasting and explosive engineering are shared. The primary goal of the symposium is to share scientific research in the field of blasting with the industry, practical applications and experiences in the industry with the academic community, and to encourage a deeper understanding of all aspects of explosive-rock interactions.
FRAGBLAST, one of the most prestigious scientific and technical events of the drilling and blasting industry in the world, has been hosted by countries such as Sweden, USA, Australia, Austria, Canada, South Africa, Chile, Spain, India and China since its beginning in 1983. These symposiums brought together researchers and industry representatives working in the field of drilling and blasting, making significant contributions to scientific innovations and practical applications in the field of drilling and blasting.
The FRAGBLAST Symposia have been shared among countries and continents through the years:
(1) Luleå, Sweden, 1983
(2) Keystone, USA, 1987
(3) Brisbane, Australia, 1990
(4) Vienna, Austria, 1993
(5) Montreal, Canada, 1996
(6) Johannesburg, South Africa, 1999
(7) Beijing, China, 2002
(8) Santiago, Chile, 2006
(9) Granada, Spain, 2009
(10) New Delhi, India, 2012
(11) Sydney, Australia, 2015
(12) Luleå, Sweden, 2018
(13) Hangzhou, China 2022