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Prof. Dr.
José A. Sanchidrián

Polytechnic University of Madrid - Spain
XP-Fan: A Model For Predicting Fragment Size Distributions From Blasting Using The Fragmentation-Energy Fan Principles

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Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Takis Katsabanis

Queen's University - Canada
Effect of blast design parameters on blast performance metrics

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Cameron McKenzie

Blast Technology - Australia
Exploring the Complexities of Airblast Overpressure

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Prof. Dr.
Yongsheng Jia

Jianghan University - China
Research Progress And Prospects Of Blasting Excavation Technology For Ultra-Long And Ultra-Deep Tunnels In China

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Prof. Dr.
Pablo Segarra

Polytechnic University of Madrid - Spain
Fragment Size Distribution Measurement From 3d Photogrammetry Models: How Fine Can You Make It? A Critical Analysis

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Prof. Dr.
Pijush Pal Roy

Gammon Engineers - India
Safe Procedures And Guıdelines For Controlled Blasting In Indian Opencast Mines - Concerns And Commitments

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Prof. Dr.
Wenbo Lu

Wuhan University - China
Prediction model of bench blasting fragmentation and analysis on energy-based fragmentation theory of rocks

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Prof. Dr.
Zongxian Zhang

University of Oulu - Finland
Overview of rock blasting theory and its engineering applications

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Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Italo Onederra

University of Queensland - Australia
Advancing Drill & Blast Design and Decision Support for Sustainable Mine Process Optimisation Strategies